Bringing equal access to
hearing/vision-impaired communities


Bringing equal access to hearing/vision-impaired communities

CART, or Communication Access Real-Time Translation, is the transcription of spoken speech into readable English text, in real-time, for an audience to read. The transcribed English text may be displayed in various forms and on different screens including mobile devices, laptops, large screens via projectors for an entire audience, and so on.


Hours of CART service provided

Here’s the process of our CART service

Our CART Reporters

Our CART reporters are culturally aware, cognizant to the needs of the deaf community, and adaptable to distinct situations and circumstances. To adhere to each client’s requirements, our CART reporters provide both on-site and remote services with the latest stenotype machines, laptops, and real-time software. They facilitate the instant translation of spoken word into English text for the hard-of-hearing so they may have access to information with a delay.

CART reporters will transcribe
from spoken English to written English in real-time
(Remote captioning is available)

We provide both on-site and remote CART services to accommodate hearing-impaired audiences in multiple settings including specialized, technical, scientific, and legal, as well as information technology-related meetings, training sessions, and conferences.

On-site CART
Our CART reporter will physically be on-site with the consumer and simultaneously translate speech into text.

Remote CART
Our CART reporter will be at a remote location, connected to a telephonic application such as WebEx. This will allow the audio to be transcribed via a website-based application such as StreamText or 1CapApp. Clients will be able to view the text through the link provided by our CART reporter.

Related Services

In addition to deaf communities, we also extend our expert and professional Braille services to the blind. We carefully and accurately transcribe government, health and insurance, banking and finance, restaurant menus, bills, and more materials into braille texts. LOD offers Braille services at competitive rates as we strive to support the blind communities in a way that only we can. For more information about this service or to get a quote, contact us at LOD.